Mojave Landscape #2

Site Launch Update

Only a few days have passed since the website went live. I’ve started to pull some of my blog entries from my other blog over to this one, and I’ve started to publish some that I had in the queue. I can already see that there is still a fair amount of work ahead.

What about the recipes? Some people have already asked. Yes, I plan to publish them here. I have started the drafts for several of them. Unfortunately, my recipes to this point have really just been ingredient lists and some notes that I’ve made over time. My notes have really focused on what I liked and disliked with each batch and the small corrections that I’ve made to get the recipes where I like them. I’ll need some time to get them out of my little paper notebook and into electronic format.

I created accounts with a few social media platforms so that I can get the word out about my DIY journey. Some of these networks are entirely new to me so I don’t know all of the subtle nuances that make them different. Since I have taken the time to build this as a separate time, I do want to make sure that it gets some traffic so that it’s worthwhile to continue.

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